Watch Mrs. Dery Where Are You? online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Mrs. Dery Where Are You? cinema online for free. The film Mrs. Dery Where Are You? has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the site. Dery (Mari Torcsik) is a grande dame actress of the Sarah Bernhardt school of big-gesture theater. Her beauty and popularity is fading, and a new school of acting which involves the use of one's own emotions (a-la Eleanora Duse) is emerging in the person of her younger Viennese rival. She thinks of retiring from the stage, and reunites briefly with her estranged husband in a newly-built manor in the country. Finding that life there is boring, she returns to town, the theater, and her old friends.

Year: 1975
Genre :
Runtime: 93 minutes
Release Date: 1975-06-02
Actors :